Adding an Olfactory Touch to Your Business Cards

Metal Kards

There are a lot of ways in which you can go about looking at business card optimization, and most of these methods involve taking sight into account. However, it should come as no surprise to you that human beings have four senses other than sight that we use to make sense of the world around us, and incorporating elements that would be detected by these alternative sense receptors can be a great way of making yourself seem rather unique once all has been said and is now out of the way.

Metal Kards

You obviously can’t add sound to your business cards without making it bulky, and edible cards are not exactly going to be practical either.Tactile sensation is something that matters too, but any Metal Kards will provide you optimal targeting of that particular sense the human body. The only sense that remains is your olfactory one, namely your sense of smell, and we feel like this is something that should be explored a bit more thoroughly. The reason behind this is that humans attach a lot of memories to smell, and since the point of business cards is to allow you to keep yourself in people’s minds, adding an aroma to it might be a worthy thing to try out.

It can be quite easy to add an aroma to your card too, since all you need to do is spray some perfume and wave the card around in the cloud that forms. This can make your card more powerful than might have been the case otherwise, especially if you work hard enough to concoct a brand new smell that would turn into a brand identifier.